In Stock

See what’s currently in stock.
Last updated: April 4th, 2024 (no guarantee for correctness).

ModelBatchRelease dateColorPrice [€]Stock
NumenRun #102.2024Bronze/Black12014
KrapfenRun #212.2023Rosé/Blue fade8016
BIASRun #208.2023Pink802

You can get one or more of the above yoyos by sending us an email with an order request stating which models and quantitfy you want with your shipping address and telephone number (the latter is only required for US shipments). Please let us know if you want to use a different e-mail address for PayPal. We will then get back to you with a payment request.

Please note that shipping will take longer than usual, especially to the US. We assure you that we are trying to ship as quickly as possible.