In 2012 we played around with a quite unique design for an under to mid-sized yoyo called the Phase. Eventually, we released a run of 30 yoyos in a cool soda blast grey that was unlike any finish we did at the time. After this limited run, no further Phase have been produced.
We decided to give this yoyo another go with slightly updated specs to reflect our design philosophy better. As an homage to the OG these 2023 Phase feature a very chalky blasted finish. We call the finish “Kreide”, German for chalk.

Disclaimer: Please note that this Kreide-finish is not as resistant to scratches as traditional anodization. We recommend to throw the Phase with care when wearing rings or metal watches etc. to prevent undesired marks. The scratch shown here was caused by a titanium ring.

Batch | D | W | M | Response | Bearing | Finish | Color | Limitation | Release |
Run #2 | 51.4 | 41 | 63.8 | 14x19x1.2 | C | Kreide | White | 32 | 06.2023 |
Run #1 | 51.2 | 41.2 | 64 | 15x22x2 | L | Soda Blast | Grey | 30 | tba |
Proto #1 | 51.2 | 41.2 | 64 | 15x22x2 | L | Candodize | Titanium | 10 | 08.2012 |