It’s been a while. Finally, Mary 09 is ready to go.
Same specs as the prepro model except for one little thing. Brand new finish. Candodize. Shipping soon.
Tag Archives: Mary
2009 Wasabi & Mary, all new Rocket
Hey there,
it’s been a while since the last update from us. But we’re back with fresh new stuff. First of all, we updated Wasabi and Mary giving them more smoothness, more power, more weight (check the specs later on). Also, we developed an all new yoyo called Rocket.
However, since it was April Fools Day, our anodzier thought “why not mix some colours”. The result: Mary is Green, Wasabi is Pearl and Rocket is Red. These colours only affect the pre-production models. The final ones will be: Wasabi: Candy Green, Mary: Candy Red, Rocket: Candy Pearl.
Pics say more than words, here you go.
Weight: 63.60g
Width: 40.02mm
Diameter: 50.30mm
Gap: 4.30mm
Response: sILYYcone
Bearing: ILYY KMK
Weight: 68g
Width: 38.40mm
Diameter: 52.06mm
Gap: 4.1mm
Response: sILYYcone
Bearing: ILYY KMK
Special Feature: Schmoove-ring with permission of Doc Pop
Weight: 65.55g
Width: 38.25mm
Diameter: 52.50mm
Gap: 4.3mm
Response: sILYYcone
Bearing: ILYY KMK
Oh, and a profile view:
Wasabi & Mary hit the Nation!
Both are now available at YoYoNation’s online store! Quantities limited, be fast. :)
The Candyman can!
Wanna go shopping?
Code: Final
Having finished siliconing and assembling, both Mary and Wasabi are going through final quality checks this weekend.
Get ready!
Who needs a laser anyways?
They’re done!
All this colour!
Finally, our colour samples made their way back from the anodizer. We’re totally happy with how they turned out. We call this our “Candy Blast Finish”. Metallic looks, amazing grindability but easy to strings.
While Wasabi comes in a fresh and bright green (who would have guessed), Mary features an epic autumn red.
Production should start soon. We’re aiming for a summer release!